Multi-Family Residential
Property Owners

Let Us Lead The Way To Become Your Trusted Partner

Owning investment property is an excellent way to supplement income, but unfair property taxes can significantly affect your profitability. 

Rising prices of multi-family residential properties also increase property tax valuations, which are complex and often confusing to the average property owner.  To get the most significant property tax reduction requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of the tax laws and processes. 

Lake County Appeal has been the leading property tax appeal firm in Lake County since 2007, helping homeowners, commercial and multi-residential property owners reduce their properties’ tax burdens.

At Lake County Appeal, we strive to ensure that your properties are fairly assessed.  If not, our experienced team understands how to navigate all of these complexities, achieving substantial property tax savings for our clients.   

We handle all aspects of the appeal by providing tax attorney representation, in-depth research, data and evidence gathering, case preparation and appeal submission. 

We invite you to become a member of our growing family.